The InvestDex team is extremely proud to reveal our newest upgrade for one of the major tools of our platform, the Pair Explorer. Featuring an improved UI, customisable layout and even more data and numbers at your disposal to arm you with everything you need to navigate even the most volatile market conditions, InvestDex has you covered!
The refreshed design retains many of the features and look of the old one, generally the same beautiful colour scheme, trending bar at the top and information panel on the left as seen in the screenshot below of our original Pair Explorer page.
However, the Pair Explorer V2 contains some really helpful and functional additions which were much needed based on the feedback from our users as well as our reading of the market trends. Here is what the the V2 looks like:
There are several changes which stand out immediately. Firstly, the information panel on the left has undergone a facelift. The key links to the project socials etc, have been moved to a newly created bar right above the chart. More on this bar later. Two prominent buttons for favourites and alerts have been introduced just below the token price and the token contract and pair links have been moved towards the bottom of the panel.
Below the box containing the key market cap figures, we have introduced an interesting feature which displays the transactions for the token you are viewing, broken down further into buys and sells, as well as volume, trackable over 5 different timeframes, 15 mins, 1 hour, 8 hours, 24 hours and 7 days.
Back to that bar above the chart. Traders will love the data provided here. This tool is also extremely useful for gauging projects which have momentum and are gearing up for a potential parabolic run as well as being able to zoom out and judge a projects performance over a larger timeframe rather than being swayed by low time frame price action.
Another cool new feature is the Reactions bar. At InvestDex, we believe that while crypto is about financial freedom and revolution, it is also about fun and enjoyment. Crypto is one of the best spaces to be in when its fun and enjoyable, which is why meme coins and their vibrant communities are such an integral part of the crypto space. In keeping with that belief, we have introduced a reaction feature that allows users to click an emoji for each token once per day.
We mentioned earlier in the article that we had introduced an element of customisation to the Pair Explorer. In the top right hand side of the screen there is a button labelled Layout.
Clicking this will open a drop down menu which gives the user the option of making certain parts of the Pair Explorer layout disappear such as the trades, the trending bar, the sidebar menu, the tools bar above the chart or even the chart itself if you want to focus on the trades for example, which now also be filtered out by type (buy/sell) and size of transaction.
The user can also choose to move the Pair Info to the right or remove it altogether, if he or she prefers to have the chart dominate the screen.
Along with these major upgrades, there are a whole bunch of other smaller and subtler changes and improvements we’ve made along the way to improve the user experience based on user feedback such as the search bar. It now appears not only on the top of the Dashboard page allowing quick and easy searches, but also on pretty much every page on the platform, ensuring that you are always only one click away from searching for any token. The search function has also been expanded so that now you will automatically search every single blockchain and multiples we have integrated rather than only one blockchain at a time.
Since we added integration for a whole bunch of new blockchains over the last few months we have a drop down menu on the top left to easily cycle through the different chains, and we’ve also added the prices of the network tokens like Ethereum and BNB to display on that drop down menu instead of the top right of the screen.
We will keep tweaking the tools based on user feedback or as and when we see fit. Keep an eye out for more upgrades and jump into our Telegram chat and let us know which features you enjoy and which ones you would like us to add.
We all know the market has been very volatile recently but as a team, we are committed to continuing to build the best crypto productivity and organisational tool in the space!
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